Types of Crisis
Write a research essay about crises .
What is the meaning of crises .. how many type of it …how can we plane it ..
give example of a crises ( not made by human ) now a day.. ( earth quake in
Japan ).. how can it effect the country.
The report with introduction .. subject .. analysis … personal idea about the
subject .. conclusion
Refences (4 +)
Pages ( 5 )
A crisis is defined as a time when an event or situation that is dangerous and severely
challenging occurs. An occurrence of crisis is hard to predict and when it happens, it affects
individuals, companies and corporations, governments and the whole society at large. In general,
a crisis can be defined as crucial moments of instability in which there is impending decisive
change. It can also be referred as an emergency, catastrophe, predicament, or a disaster. During
this challenging moment, essential and quick decisions need to be made. A crisis creates a
situation of instability with a country or an economy where if not addressed urgently, a crisis
may result to national destruction. This essay seeks to address what is crisis and the various types
of crisis as well as how we can plan to a manage a crisis. In addition, the essay will analyze
examples of crisis with specific focus on the earthquake in a Japan.
Types of crisis
There exist various types of crisis, notably, financial crisis, technological crisis, natural crisis,
workplace violence, deception crisis, Crisis of malevolence, the crisis of hatred and sudden
crisis. Apart from the physical crisis, which is beyond human control, although not in all cases,
other types of crisis are man made, making them easy to control if early detected.
Financial crisis –This type of crisis is applied mostly in various occasions where
financial assets mysterious lose the tremendous value of their nominal value. Banking panics and
economics recessions have been heavily associated with this crisis in the previous centuries.
When a country devalues its currency due to unsustainable public debt accruing, after
maintaining a fixed exchange rate, the situation is referred to as currency crisis or balance of
payments crisis (Angelides, and Thomas, 2011). The occurrence of a financial crisis in an
economy causes income disparity within a country.
Technological Crisis- This type of crisis occurs when human beings apply their
knowledge in science and technology in the wrong way. Some software failures led to massive
wastages of resources in companies which relies heavily upon them. A technological crisis may
occur when an expert in technology expert uses his/her knowhow to acquire resources
fraudulently from a company or an organization.
In a report by Angelides and Thomas (2011), It is indicated that sources of crisis have
drastically changed from nature to technology. The author further points out that it has become
more complex and interrelated where chances of malfunctioning are more with bigger and more
profound consequences.
Natural crisis- This types of crisis are natural catastrophes mostly considered as ‘acts of God'
which generally happens in our environment. They included; earthquakes, volcanic eruption,
floods, drought and famines, storms, tsunamis, floods, and landslides among others. This forms
of crisis can be associated with human activities emanating from disturbances with the natural
resources so that to support their increasing numbers in the population. Global warming, for
instance, has become an important issue and threatens the health of people in the affected areas.
The world ecosystems are at stake due to the threat of pollutions, which means more diseases
will emerge, such as skin cancer due to depletion of Ozone layer.
Workplace violence- This form of crisis occurs when a worker(s) either current or former attack
each other violently on organizational grounds. In other words, this type of crisis occurs when
false and unjustified information creates tension and animosity between employees in
organizations affecting its products negatively and hurting its reputations.
The crisis of malevolence- This form of crisis arises when individuals with evil motives use
extreme tactics to express anger, from an institutions or organizations with the purpose of
destroying it and its reputation. It involves product tampering and supplying fake ones,
kidnapping family members in the case of individuals. Also, ideological conflicts have created
world tensions, which have resulted in terrorists acts not just aiming at government but also
private organizations.
Smoldering Crisis-its caused by neglecting small issues during initial stages. It is always said
that ignorance is expensive if people in management fail to commit themselves and show interest
they always pay dearly.
Sudden Crisis- This crisis always happens over short notices of time and poses a significant
threat to the business.
Crisis Planning and Management
In the world today, effective planning of crisis is the only sure way for effective
management of crisis. For this to happen, an organization or a country needs to appoint a crisis
management team which should deal with handling the possibility and elimination of crisis. In
order to guarantee effective panning and management of a crisis, the appointed crisis
management team needs to communicate quickly and appropriately where they should conduct
training to their employees or citizen within their reach. Development of policies by this team is
essential since it enables these organizations to minimize crisis if not eliminating them.
According to Hunter (2015) view, an emergency response team needs to identify risks, evaluate,
and rank them according to their magnitude and effects. Early planning against a crisis translates
to better intervention and possible termination of more threats.
Case study of Japan
Japan has been faced by various catastrophes caused by different factors. The 1945
atomic bombs still are felted today after nearly seven decades since it happened. According to a
report by Hunter (2015), Japan has also suffered tsunami and earthquake crisis where her first
one occurred in 1923 which took place in her two cities of Tokyo and Yokohama. During this
disaster, tens of thousands of Japanese lost their lives. In addition, there was a notable massive
distraction of property. Apart from destroying building bridges collapsed, train tracks were
twisted, water pipes and sewer lines snubbed, and seriously, telephone lines destroyed. The
earthquake was referred as Taisho Shinsai (Tokyo earthquake) disaster, and its name grew in
stature as the totality emerged about its devastation. Taisho Shinsai will remain in the heart of
Japanese as one of the costly, deadliest, and destructive natural disasters in the twentieth century.
The most recent March 11 th 2011 earthquake and tsunami affected Japan economy negatively,
but had a smaller effect on financial money market and world commerce. It was estimated to
have a magnitude of 9.1 mega thrusts with its epicenter extending up to 71 kilometers. Having
caused by the nuclear crisis, she again lost human capital and considerable physical resources.
These fatal natural calamity compounded into continuing crisis at Fukushima plant of nuclear
reactor which resulted in the emission of radioactive chemical material, electricity rationing,
massive damage to infrastructures like roads, school, hospitals, manufacturing plants and other
According to Nanto, Cooper, and Donnelly (2011), the 2011 Japan earthquakes was
called Tohoku earthquake. Fukushima accident is said to have occurred following electrical
network being greatly damage together with the emergency generators following the earthquake,
which made it impossible to provide electricity to cool the reactors and fuels storage tanks. What
happened was a massive explosion and the whole plant Fukushima Dai-ichi NPP destroyed. The
government of Japan classified Fukushima accident at a maximum scale of 7 the same as
Chernobyl that occurred in 1986 in the former soviet union (currently Ukraine). The great
Tohoku earthquakes brought the government of Japan many problems. First, the electricity
sufficient nation was in crisis following Fukushima Dai-ichi NPP destruction.
This made manufacturing companies to be unable to run making their employees jobless.
In addition, large numbers of citizens were temporarily displaced making it nearly impossible
rapid reopening of the companies affected. Japanese's known motor vehicles assembly plant like
Toyota was adversely affected though there were quick measures to keep production moving.
Also, her chemical processing plants were affected (Nanto, Cooper, and Donnelly, 2011). She
saw the introduction of trading barrier and ban of her agricultural produces notably vegetables
and milk to some international market like the United States of America and Europe. Most of her
tourists were business class searching for goods in their home market; the calamity saw a decline
in their numbers since production went down. It is worth noting that due to this crisis her
economy was adversely affected following currency devaluation by G-7 nations because of
market speculation. This led to an increase of her public debt to the tune of 200% of the GDP by
further raising the interest rate. Efforts to make the economy recover become almost impossible
where experts feared that Japanese would lose confidence in government bonds (Angelides, and
Thomas, 2011).
My Personal View About Crisis
Any form of crisis can be categorized as the worst happening to either occur within an
organization or a country. Due to the negative effects posed by the occurrence of crises, it is
essential to adopt crisis mitigating plans. Having a crisis response plan ensures that a country or
an organization is always crisis ready, in that it is ready to handle any crisis. The initial step in
developing a crisis response plan involves carrying out a SWOT analysis to determine the
possible crises that are likely to occur and would cause a threat to an organization or to a
country. A SWOT analysis examines a country or an organization Strengths, Weaknesses,
Opportunities and Threats which can best be done by an appointed crisis management team.
During the analysis, special attention should be drawn to Weaknesses and Threats that a country
or an organization faces in order to identify the type of crisis that is most likely to happen. An
example of a crisis that could have been avoided should there have been laid out plans on risk
mitigation is the major earth quake that hit Japan. In this regard, it is clear that the only sure way
of eliminating crisis is developing a compressive crisis response plan to deal with all the possible
forms of crises.
Emergency moments require quick response to mitigate further losses, where many
resources needed to be mobilized. It is paramount for a nation, companies, or corporation to have
its own emergency response team who are highly trained on the same. Also, a prior planning for
these contingencies if vital since the mostly happen within short notice and their adverse effect is
felt many years later.
Angelides, P, and Thomas, B. (2011). The financial crisis inquiry report: Final report of the
national commission on the causes of the financial and economic crisis in the United
States. PublicAffairs. Accessed From
Heath, R. L., & O'Hair, H. D. (Eds.). (2010). Handbook of risk and crisis communication.
Routledge. Accessed from http://www.gbv.de/dms/zbw/56215891X.pdf
Hunter, J. (2015) Earthquakes in Japan: a review article. Modern Asian Studies, 50 (1). pp. 415-
435. Accessed From
Nanto, D, K., Cooper, W, H. Donnelly, J, M. (2011). Japan's 2011 Earthquake and Tsunami:
Economic Effects and Implications for the United States. Accessed From
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