Learning Outcome One – Understand the organisation as an entity
AC1.1 Describe the legal entity of a specified organisation and the implication of that legal entity on the
structure and management of the organisation
AC1.2 Describe the operational functions within an organisation
AC1.3 Identify own role, span of control and reporting line in an organisation using an organisational chart
to illustrate
AC1.4 Describe the roles and responsibilities of managers at different levels of an organisation
AC1.5 Explain the relevance to an organisation of its different stakeholders
Learning Outcome Two – Understand the context within which an organisation operates
AC2.1 Identify the major external forces which impact upon an organisation
AC2.2 Prepare a PESTLE analysis of an organisation
Provide a short profile of the organisation you have chosen and its stakeholders, briefly explain your own
role within it, and compare it to managers at other levels within your organisation (approx. 200 words)
ADNOC company is located in Abu Dhabi and it deals with oil, gas and also it provides
electricity for local use. The company has 14 directorates and it is under the United Arab
Emirates Supreme Petroleum Council. The company started its operations from 1971 and started
producing oil and gas in the year1962. Like any new establishment, ADNOC first experienced
challenges, but later became one of the most stable companies in the region. The stakeholders of
the company consist of the company directors, suppliers, employees, and the creditors. I was
once attached as an intern in the production Manager’s office whereby my role was to learn the
operations of that office as well as assisting the manager in various tasks that I may be assigned.
The operations of a manager in this company is to run all the operations and functions of the
company hence it his responsibilities to make sure that everything is done in order, the manager
also implements all the rules within his area of management and regulations and make sure that
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all the employees attend their training (Hiriyappa, 2009). The line managers assist the company
in meeting its goals and objectives and communicate closely to the Company CEO.
AC1.1 Describe the legal entity of a specified organisation and the implication of that legal entity on the
structure and management of the organisation(approx. 250 words)
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ADNOC Company is a Public Limit Company with the ability of making agreements, enter
into contracts with other companies and also it can be sued or sue other companies in a court of law.
The company is comprised of ADNOC being the majority shareholder, with minority shares held by
BP, Total and Mitsui. The company is made up of 16 subsidiaries that work in various fields to form
the major parent company called ADNOC. The company being a public company can form
partnership with other companies to help in running of the company through providing of the
finance resources and hiring of the workers. The profits the company makes are taxable and incase
of a loss, the legal owners, shareholders are liable for such losses. Legally the company can enter
into an association, files document for every meeting that takes place and the journals of the
associations. The company has its own constitution which helps in the understanding of their
relationship with the outside world. The importance of the articles of association is to control
internal factors as well as containing shares and responsibilities of the managers and all the
guidelines that govern the activities of the company. The company also must report to its
shareholders in every move it makes as they must be involved in the decision making process. The
company management is also tasked with reporting on the financial reports to its shareholders as
well as convening an annual general meeting for all the stakeholders.
AC1.2 Describe the operational functions within an organisation (approx. 200 words)
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ADNOC has 16 functional subsidiaries that are entitled to work in various fields. The
company operates and functions through planning, provision of all the resources and products for
production purposes and coordinating all its operations to enable smooth performance. The
company has several line managers as well as operational managers that supervise all the operations
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that take place in the company. To facilitate the marketing of oil and gas, the marketing department
is responsible for that where else the production department is entitled to oversee the production of
company products such as oil and gas. The finance department ensures that there is enough money
to run the company and purchasing of the necessary resources that may be required by the company.
The human resource department is responsible in the hiring and firing of workers. This department
also provide opportunities for the workers to go for training to acquire skills necessary for better
performance (Kaiser, 2001). It also facilitates strong relationship among workers as well as
interpreting rules and regulation for other employees. The research and development department
uses scientific knowledge and technology for invention of new products into the market which
facilitate competition with other companies.
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AC1.3Identify own role, span of control and reporting line in an organisation using an organisational chart
to illustrate(approx. 150 words)
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My role in the company is that of the petroleum ports authority manager. As part of
my job description, I ensure that all the activities that pertain to the storage, loading of the
petroleum products are running smoothly. The safety measures of all the workers still fall
under my responsibilities. Several line managers such as the vetting department head,
ports management and the marine standards and regulations departments directly falls
under my jurisdiction. In this case the vetting department, ports management and the
Marine Standards and regulations departments directly reports to the Petroleum Ports
Authority manager. Under the two departments, there are hydrographic survey section,
Ruwais Port and Ubarraz Port each under a line manager who reports to the three managers.
Petroleum Ports Authority Manager
Vetting Ports Management Marine Standards
Department Department And Regulations
Hydrographic Jebel Dhanna Daz Zirku Sas Al Port
Survey Section Ruwais Port Mubarraz Port
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AC1.4Describe the roles and responsibilities of managers at different levels of an organisation(approx.
200 words)
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There are different levels of managers within the ADNOC Company that is the top level
managers, middle levels managers and the low levels managers each with their own roles and
responsibilities. The top level managers are responsible in making decisions that will have effects to
everyone in the company, the behaviour and attitude of the top management towards the employees
and other staff has effects to the company and in some cases it leads to its success. This helps the
company to achieve and become more productive since it has the ability to make any change that
may arise. They set goals inspire the workers offers financial support and formulate policies.
The middle level managers on the other hand are answerable to the top level management.
They head various departments through organizing and directing work to the other who are below
them. In addition to that, they interpret policies that have been formulated by the top managers,
resolve problems and evaluating performance of other employees. Each low levels managers plans
for the assigned department or sub- section and also supervise and give direction and guidance to
other workers by providing the necessary resources that are required (McLeish, 2013.) They also act
as informants to the top level managers on challenges that they may be encountering.
AC1.5Explain the relevance to an organisation of its different stakeholders (approx. 150 words)
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Stakeholders within an organisation include the employees, government and all its agencies,
investors, the community members from which the organization get its resources from and the
owners of the business. The stakeholder’s impact greatly on the outcome of the business, the
government provides proper infrastructure that assist the company while running its activities hence
facilitating its production, it also offers security to the company and protects the consumers mostly
from consuming on products which are unsafe to the humans (Phillips, 2005). The government also
offers stability to the country which impacts directly to the company hence improving its market and
profitability. The investor influence the communities through a number of ways for instance they
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help during decision making process, they help in marketing strategies, help in formulation of policy
which enhances the production of the business. Employee are important to the ADNOC company
they are the assets of the company because the company largely depends on them their effectiveness
in performance leads to high productivity of the company.
AC2.1Identify the major external forces which impact upon an organisation(approx. 150 words)
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There are various external factors that affects the ADNOC Company such factors include
change in technology, competition from other companies, social elements, economic and political
factors. Political factors in an organisation include all the laws and regulation that surrounds
ADNOC company, for instance the environmental laws and the labour laws when they are not stable
it has got a negative impact on then business. Another factor is the economic factors which include
the rate of inflation, change of prices and also interest rate greatly influence the organisation in a
direct way. There is also the technological factor which affects the company with the new
inventions in the market domain there has been able to introduce new products in the market which
has led to competition from other industries. Advancement in the communication field has also led
to the growth of business because the marketing rate has expanded due to the fact that a large extent
of consumers can be reached without any difficulties (Sisaye, 2006).
AC2.2Prepare a PESTLE analysis of an organisation(approx. 150 words)
Type here:
PESTEL is a framework used by organisations which looks into the external factors that
influences the operations of any organisation. The analysis is used to analyse whether there
are any threats within the organisation and it is mostly used within the department of
marketing in this cases it monitors the activities of the business (Casey, 2002). The elements
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represent political, economic socio cultural, technological; Legal and eco environmental
ADNOC company use the analysis while conducting its business, the government
policy which include instability and stability of the government, tax policy, restrictions to
trade, corruption, labour laws and restriction to trade have great impact to the company and
the management must make sure that the company is not affected by all these factors.
Economic factors also has a great impact on ADNOC company this include the growth of
the economy, current rate of exchange, rate of interest and the unpredictable oil market
prices in the global market.
Include your list of references here – remember to refer to Workbook for guidance.
Type here:
Casey, C. (2002). Critical analysis of organizations: Theory, practice, revitalization.
Hiriyappa, B. (2009). Organizational behavior. New Delhi: New Age International (P)
Ltd., Publishers.
9PDbY4KBDoAQgnMAA#v=onepage&q=profile%20of%20an%20organizati on&f=false
Kaiser, D. E. (2001). Develop an affirmative action program: Compliant with the November
2000 revisions.
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(Understanding the organisation and its context) – Part A
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McLeish, B. J. (2013). Successful marketing strategies for nonprofit organizations:
Winning in the age of the elusive donor.
Phillips, R. (2005). Stakeholder theory and organizational ethics. San Francisco: Berren-
Koehler Publishers Inc.
Sisaye, S. (2006). The ecology of management accounting and control systems:
Implications for managing teams and work groups in complex organizations.
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