The development, implementation and evaluation of a health promotion intervention

The development, implementation and evaluation of a health promotion intervention


Prepare a report describing the development, implementation and evaluation of a health
promotion intervention (1200-1500 words)

Your report should be prepared for one of the following scenarios:
1. Propose a health promotion intervention to increase the intake of fruit and vegetables
amongst a community of poorly educated individuals
2. Propose a health promotion intervention to increase exercise levels amongst children
who are overweight or obese who are attending a weight management clinic
3. Propose a health promotion intervention to reduce stress amongst employees in the
workplace with the aim of increasing work productivity and reducing absenteeism
and tardiness
4. Propose a health promotion intervention to raise awareness at a national level about
the causes and consequences of type 2 diabetes mellitus

Your report should consider the following issues:
•Needs Analysis
•The health risk
•Why is an intervention necessary
•Development of the intervention
•Type of intervention – what works in which environment
•Theoretical underpinning/mechanisms
•Materials (you do not have to develop the materials)
•Intervention implementation plan
•Timeframe of intervention
•Consideration of resources (you do not have to address costs)
•Outcome evaluation

Your report should be evidence-based (to demonstrate breadth of reading and familiarity
with relevant literature) and referenced throughout.

Word limit: 1200-1500 words (excluding references)




According to Moreno, Pigeot, & Ahrens, (2011), childhood obesity is a serious medical
condition that affects children. This condition has led to the death of many children, this situation
has led to the creation of this proposal which will be presented to parents and teachers in
different schools in the UAE. The main objective of this study is to 1) create awareness about
proper feeding in children; 2) enhance knowledge about children exercise; 3) reduce the number
of obese children in the community. This health intervention will mainly involve the
transtheoretical model, which focuses on change and the important aspects that can lead to the
change. Many obese children need to change their eating habits and their level of physical
activities in order to keep themselves healthy. The model majorly deals with the aspect of change
in a person and how to undergo the change.

Need analysis
The health risk

In the need analysis we will use the need assessment model that will enable us distinguish
the situation of obesity in the past and the current situation among our children.This condition is
where excess body fat affects a child's health. This condition is caused by different factors, but
the main cause of childhood obesity is when the children feed too much food that contains a lot
of calories and sugars and do not exercise regularly. Which would reduce the amount of fat in
their bodies, this condition posses very many health risks among children. Children who are
overweight are at more risk of developing heart conditions that are fatal, this is due to the excess
amount of fat in their body which might clog the arteries and prevent blood from properly
circulating through the heart.


In recent years we have seen children as young as 5 being diagnosed with diabetes due to
obesity and uncontrolled consumption of sugary foods. This condition also comes with
psychological and emotional effects to the child, this is a health risk since it might lead to food
addiction which is toxic to an overweight child. Most of these children are loners and do not feel
comfortable around children of their own age, this leads them to develop psychological
conditions that can be harmful to them (Hind, & Burrows, 2007).
The necessity of an intervention

According toDavis et al., (2007), Childhood obesity can lead to low- self-esteem among
children and teenagers. There is an increase in cases of bullying in schools to children who are
overweight, and these situations lead to many children having a lot of anger towards society.
Despite all these effects among obese children, little effort has been put to try and help them
overcome their disorders and prevent more children from this condition. Introduction of
exercises among children and also enrolling them in weight management clinics where they can
exercise regularly can help them deal with their weight control
There are many factors that have led to an increase in this condition among children.
Technological advancement is one of the factors that have contributed to the recent increase in
the condition, many children are no longer participating in outdoor activities. This is because
they have televisions and video games that keep them entertained in the house, with this they
have no time to play or exercise to keep their body healthy. This study aims at educating parents
on the importance of letting their children play outside and exercise (Harvey‐Berino, & Rourke,

Development of the intervention
Type of intervention


This intervention will be mostly educational. We will visit the weight management
clinics and schools to inform parents about the dangers of obesity among their kids. The
intervention will also teach on the various ways of preventing obesity among children, it will
also involve the children themselves to evaluate the effects of the weight gain on them
psychologically and emotionally. The educational intervention will educate them on the
importance of keeping their body healthy and eating the right food.

Theoretical underpinning

In an article written by Burniat et al., (2006), child obesity can be managed by regularly
taking the child to weight management clinics, where they are introduced to exercises that help
them manage their weight gain. However, through previous studies, it has been established that
these clinics practice very few exercises, which will prevent gaining more weight, but does not
do much to reduce the weight of obese children. For an obese child to reduce weight there need
to be significant changes in their diet and their exercise activities. Their diet has to be changed
completely and more importantly, their exercise levels have to be increased to keep their body
burning the excess calories and fat.
Moreno et al., (2011) explains that many kids who are already obese have a negative
attitude towards exercises and routines that are set to help them reduce their weight. Many of
these kids already have psychological and emotional issues and have a hard time trusting anyone
to help them. In such a case we can apply one of the social psychological theories the self
perception theory to try and establish what this children think of themselves and their actions
towards their bodies. This will also help us to understand why Most of the children depend on
food to make them feel comfortable which is harmful to them. Unless they get all the help they


need they are most likely to develop fatal conditions that will probably keep them in hospital and
their condition may worsen to a point where they can not turn around.


1. The intervention will use questionnaires that have simple questions that children can
answer easily, this will help us understand their psychological view on their weight. The
questionnaire will also determine the kid's motivation level on the issue of losing weight.
2. Weight scales. This will be used to measure the weight of children, and know where to
begin the intervention with each child. It will be used to regularly check weight changes
between the children.
3. Gym equipment. These pieces of equipment will be child-friendly and they will be taught
on how to work with this equipments to help them reduce their weight.
4. Notebook. Where the children will be required to write a healthy activity that they have
done on a daily basis. This helps them to develop a routine that will make it easier for
them to get used to living healthy.
5. Healthy lifestyle book. This books are designed for children they have a simple language
to understand and they explain the benefits of eating healthy and regularly exercising, this
will provide them and their parents with the necessary knowledge about how to leave in a
healthy manner (Bagchi, 2010).

Intervention implementation plan

The intervention will be carried for a period of 6 months, the first step is planning for the
intervention which will involve the consideration of the resources available.



In an article written by Stice, Shaw, & Marti, (2006) about obese intervention, the
procces requires strategic planning for the intervention to work. In this intervention four health
psychologists will work together and collect the child-friendly books, gym equipment, and other
health-related materials to conduct the intervention. The psychologists will also develop
questionnaires that are age appropriate that the children will answer like; 1) what are the negative
effects of being obese? ; 2) what activities can be carried out to prevent this condition? Etc. The
psychologist will also choose a location for the event and recruit a member of the weight
management clinic center to provide information about the kids who visit the clinic.


The intervention will begin in the month of June 2019, the first step will send letters of
invitation to parents whose children are enrolled in the clinic. Children who are not enrolled in
the clinic and have weight issues will obtain permission from their parents to attend the event.
Questionnaires will be distributed among the children for them to answer questions. They will
also be administered with the notebooks where they will fill in their weight changes in the
months to come, each child was given a few gym types of equipment that were easily portable to
their homes.
The large types of equipment were taken to the children's schools, there were 4 schools
involved and each school was given a set of their gym equipment that was set to be used by this
kids every morning when they get to school. According to Golan, & (2004) parents have a
significant role in ensuring their kids are healthy. Each parent was given a weight scale where
they would weigh their children after every 2 weeks and let them fill their weight in their
notebook. Lastly, they were given the healthy lifestyle book which they would read occasionally
and write down what they learn from the book.


After 2 months of closely monitoring the children, the intervention will organize another
event that will involve parents and children. Where they would be educated on the proper ways
of exercising for them to reduce the rate of their weight gain. The intervention will also educate
parents on techniques of cooking tasty healthy meals for their children that will help them in
weight reduction. The participants will also be allowed to ask questions about obesity and the
different ways to deal with it.

Outcome Evaluation

The intervention will be able to evaluate children's weight, during the monthly meeting of
the intervention. The children will be able to observe their weight journey from the beginning of
the intervention, and also learn about other children's journey. This will keep the kids motivated
to work harder and keep their weight in check. Parents will also have the chance to learn from
other parents about the changes they have applied in their children's diet, then the psychologists
will advise the parents on healthy cooking techniques. The children will be evaluated monthly
according to the notes they have written on their notebooks and the psychologists can be able to
help the children individually.
The psychologist will also administer questionnaires to the children and parents in their
monthly meetings to asses their level of knowledge on obesity.

Obesity is a disorder that can be corrected by taking the necessary measures.
Administering such interventions among children can be one of the ways to assist them to deal
with their weight issues, the rate of obese children is increasing in an alarming rate. It is the
parent's obligation to learn the necessary precautions to take on their children to prevent obesity.


If they are already obese they should look for necessary measures to take which will help them
with this disorder.

Table 1: Intervention Time Frame

Recruitment, purchase of equipments,
teacher information event and
formation of the questionnaires.

February- May

Implementation Distribution of the equipments,
healthy lifestyle books, note books and
weighing machines. Weekly activities
and follow-ups

June- September

Evaluation Analysis of the questionnaires and

the data entered.
Follow up on the weight pattern of the

October- December



Dissemination prepare publications of the study findings. January-May


Bagchi, D. (2010). Global Perspectives on Childhood Obesity: Current Status, Consequences
and Prevention. Cambridge, MA: Academic Press.
Burniat, W., Cole, T. J., Lissau, I., & Poskitt, E. M. (2006). Child and Adolescent Obesity:
Causes and Consequences, Prevention and Management. Cambridge, England:
Cambridge University Press.


Davis, M. M., Gance-Cleveland, B., Hassink, S., Johnson, R., Paradis, G., & Resnicow, K.
(2007). Recommendations for prevention of childhood obesity. Pediatrics,
120(Supplement 4), S229-S253.
Golan, M., & Crow, S. (2004). Parents are key players in the prevention and treatment of weight-
related problems. Nutrition reviews, 62(1), 39-50.
Harvey‐Berino, J., & Rourke, J. (2003). Obesity prevention in preschool native‐american
children: a pilot study using home visiting. Obesity research, 11(5), 606-611.
Hind, K., & Burrows, M. (2007). Weight-bearing exercise and bone mineral accrual in children
and adolescents: a review of controlled trials. Bone, 40(1), 14-27.
Moreno, L. A., Pigeot, I., & Ahrens, W. (2011). Epidemiology of Obesity in Children and
Adolescents: Prevalence and Etiology. Berlin, Germany: Springer Science & Business


Stice, E., Shaw, H., & Marti, C. N. (2006). A meta-analytic review of obesity prevention
programs for children and adolescents: the skinny on interventions that work.
Psychological bulletin, 132(5), 667.


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