Harmful Effects of Smoking e- cigarettes

Harmful Effects of Smoking e- cigarettes

Write a research about (Educate the youth about the harmful
effects of smoking e-cigarettes) – 1000 words it’s about 3 main
1. What is the difference between e-cigarettes and traditional
cigarettes? Which one is safer? Explain why?
2. Misconceptions among people about the use of e-cigarettes.
3. Strategies adopted by governments in different countries
regarding e-cigarettes. Include the name of countries that have
banned their use.




E- Cigarettes are hand-held devices that are almost similar to the conventional cigarettes
in the way they look and the manner they are used. They contain an e-liquid that is heated to
release vapor or aerosol. The liquid may be flavored. Since the introduction of e-cigarettes into
the market in 2004, their usage has increased significantly among the consumers. Users of the e –
cigarettes claim that they prefer to use e –cigarettes to the traditional cigarettes because it helps
in efforts to quit smoking, they are odorless, they are cheaper in some jurisdictions and some of
the use them to circumvent the formulated smoke-free policies and laws.
The Difference between e-cigarettes and traditional cigarettes
Unlike the traditional cigarettes, the e-cigarettes do not contain tobacco. The e-cigarette
device is battery-powered and uses a liquid- containing cartridge and heating element. The e-
cigarette liquid contains favors such as chai tea, root beer and strawberry. When a user puffs on
the e-cigarette device, it produces vapor. When a smoker puffs on the traditional cigarette,
tobacco is burnt to produce the smoke. The smoke released from traditional cigarette does not
only contain nicotine but also other toxic chemicals including carbon monoxide and tar
(Montreal Children Hospital, 2019).

Misconceptions about the use of e-cigarettes

Over the past few years, e-cigarettes have gained popularity among smokers as people
perceive them to be a safer alternative to the nicotine traditional cigarettes.. However, recent
studies have shown that e-cigarettes are also poses the risk of causing negative impacts on the
users. There are various misconceptions about e-cigarettes (Myers Counseling Group,



2019).Since the introduction of e-cigarettes; marketers of the devices have made efforts to
portray them as safer alternatives to traditional cigarettes with fewer side effects on the
consumer. Despite not having tobacco, the e-cigarette devices still contain nicotine among other
chemicals that may be harmful to human health in long term use. Research findings show that
individuals who have never smoked before are starting to use the e-cigarettes .The users have a
risk of progressing to the use of traditional cigarettes. The users may also engage in cannabis use
as they can use the device to vaporize it and even become dual-users of cannabis and e-
cigarettes. Other research studies that argue that e-cigarettes are 100 to 1000 time less harmful
than the traditional tobacco cigarettes claiming that the nicotine in e-cigarettes is absorbed from
the upper respiratory tract rather than the lungs (Myers Counseling Group, 2019). The e- liquid is
also considered to be a safe combination of safe ingredients; vegetable glycerin or propylene
glycol. Compared to the numerous chemicals found in tobacco cigarettes, the e-cigarettes are
considered to be a healthier option (Olivia, 2016).
Some users consider the e-cigarette devices to be unsafe, arguing that they can easily
explode. However, this is bound to happen with any other devise that is not handled with care.
The user is required to follow the guidelines on the user manual and should use matching
components of the device. It should not be exposed to extreme temperatures and should be
switched off when not in use. Some users find the e-cigarettes to be complicated for use but the
devises are easy to use by seeking instructions for use from the manufacturer. E-cigarettes are
perceived to be more addictive compared to regular cigarettes. However, the vapor inhaled from
the devise delivers nicotine amounts into the body that are lower than that inhaled from the
traditional cigarette smoke (Olivia, 2016).
The e-cigarette vapor is sometimes mistaken with the smoke released from traditional
cigarettes. Some individuals may fear that the e-cigarette vapor accidentally inhaled by by-



standers is as harmful as the side stream smoke released from tobacco cigarette which passes
harmful and toxic chemicals to passive smokers. However, proponents of the e-cigarettes claim
that they do not contain much of the toxic chemicals and that it cannot cause significant effects
on the passive smokers’ health. There is also a misconception that manufacturers include anti-
freeze substances in the e- cigarette liquid. This is due to a misconception that Ethylene Glycol is
an anti-freeze component and it is confused with Propylene Glycol that is used in the e-liquids
(Olivia, 2016).

Strategies adopted by governments regarding e-cigarettes

Regulations on the sale and use of e-cigarettes vary across states and countries. Some
countries have no regulations regarding the product while others ban them totally. The United
Kingdom licensed the devises as a medical drug (Pyne, 2019). Due to the close relationship
between policies on medical drugs and tobacco laws, legislation on e-cigarette is still debated in
many nations. Manufacturers of the e-cigarettes have been advocating for formulation of laws
that favor their interests. In 2016, the United States introduced a regulation to ban the use of e-
cigarettes during commercial flights operating to and from the US. In many countries such as
Singapore, Brazil, Uruguay, Seychelles, and Canada, the use of e-cigarettes is yet to be legalized.
Canada does not approve the sale of any nicotine-containing e-cigarettes. In the US and the UK
the sale of e-cigarettes is legalized for adults (Pyne, 2019).
In 2016, the Food and Drug Administration organization imposed some regulations on e-
cigarettes. The ingredients of the products have to examine including assessment of the potential
health risks associated with the ingredients. The FDA totally bans the sale of e-cigarettes to
minors and sale of the product in vending machines is also not allowed. The FDA also regulates
the manufacture, labeling, marketing of the e-liquids and the e-cigarette devices. In 2014, the



regulations were passed by the European parliament requiring e-cigarette manufacturers to
conduct quality and standardization controls for the vaporizers and liquids used in the devices,
use of –tamper proof and child proof packaging material for the liquid and disclosure of the
liquid ingredients to the consumers (Pyne , 2019). As at October 2015, 48 states in the US had
banned the sale of e-cigarettes to minors. Countries such as Japan, Norway, India, Canada,
Australia and Hong Kong allow the use of e-cigarettes among adults under strict regulations. In
other countries, the sale, importation and use of cigarettes are totally banned. The countries
ordan,Lebanon,Indonesia,Vietnam,Thailand,Taiwan,Venezuela and Uruguay (Pyne ,2019).


Since the introduction of e-cigarettes into the market, they have become popular among
many consumers. This is attributed to the perception that e-cigarettes are less harmful than the
traditional tobacco cigarette. Some users argue that using e-cigarettes helps in reducing over-
depending on tobacco hence help in efforts to quit smoking. There are many misconceptions
about e-cigarettes such as the belief that they do not contain nicotine, that they have fewer
harmful toxic chemicals. Just like tobacco cigarettes, research findings show that e-cigarettes
also have significant amounts of toxic chemicals that may negatively impact on human health
following prolonged use of the products.




Montreal Children Hospital, (2019). Q: How does ‘vaping’ e-cigarettes differ from smoking
traditional cigarettes? Retrieved from, https://www.thechildren.com/health-
Myers Counseling Group, (2019). Misconceptions About Electronic Cigarettes (e-cigs) and
Teens. Retrieved from, https://myerscounseling.com/uncategorized/misconceptions-
Olivia, (2016).Apollo. 7 misconceptions about the e-cigs (a clear view on electronic cigarettes
myths).Retrieved from https://www.apolloecigs.co.uk/blog/7-misconceptions-e-cigs/.
Pyne E., (2019).The Sun. UP IN SMOKE The countries where vaping is illegal, banned or
restricted including Thailand and Mexico. Retrieved from,


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