Gesture recognition is among the major developments within the technological sphere. As man seeks to ease all his operations, hand gesture recognition protocol has been evaluated as a major advancement. Gesture recognition is a skill that is linked to computers using hand movements for information disposal. Hand gesture recognition involves the application that bridges the gap between computers and human interaction with the use of hand sensor interface.
The hand gesture recognition enables humans to relate to human computer interaction and mutually coexisting with no mechanical device. It applies the touch based technology compared to the other forms of gesture recognition like vision-based technologies which require no contact to an interface.
The essence of the hand gesture recognition system is primarily to formulate a natural interaction between human and computer whereby the gesture signs control and direct objects, hence being in a position to relay meaningful information to the intended audiences through the use of a wide range of mathematical algorithms.
Aspects of usability and functionality are enhanced with hand gesture recognitions to ease and simplify information being conveyed. The hand gesture recognition allows operations to be conducted by a simple series of hand and finger movements through an interface with no need of physical contact to the actual machine.
The application of hand gesture recognition has been on the increase in all fields ranging from educational, medical, military and business world. Hand gesture recognition has been widely applied in sign language, 3D animation, visualization and control of mechanical systems like robotics. The use of the system has immensely impacted on the life of humans in terms of efficiency.
Among the person with disabilities, specifically the deaf people, hand gesture recognition has greatly brought about tremendous changes within sign language communication. The ease of working has been enabled among the deaf people as it involves user friendly interfaces like the recurrent neural network. A series of common hand movements are studied and synchronized with grammatical alphabets for easier communication.
The shape and motion of the hand movements transmit the intended information to the relevant audience. An example of the sign language that have made immense steps in using hand gesture recognition include the American Sign Language that uses the boundary histogram, the Japanese Sign Language which uses the recurrent neural network and the Arabic Sign Language that uses both the hand gesture technologies discussed above.
The virtual environment is among the fields that have positively tried to adopt the use of hand gesture recognition. The communication media systems in today’s virtual environment use human computer interaction to disseminate information to the public. The wide use of Ipad and apple applications that operate under hand gesture recognition in our media houses resemble the extent of the technology use.
In the fun and entertainment sector, most gaming applications have embarked on the use of hand gesture recognition. Television control activities such as muting, channel selections are no longer done using the remote control technology, but effected through the gesture recognition mechanism. An example of gaming developers using such technology is the Elliptics lab and Intel.
The future of the hand gesture recognition is manifested in the current techno-based products produced in the market. The introduction of smartphones that are enabled with touch screens, televisions that are operated under voice commands and hand engineered means and the google glass are some of the gesture recognitions developments.