Benefits Of Animal testing
Write a 1300 words and 5 paragraphs so around 250 per paragraphs
Animal testing is a vital issue happening in the world. The process of innovation and research is
being done through animal testing. Therefore, the target audience for my persuasive essay will
be adults, especially doctors and researchers who do the experiments. These people can exhibit
their experience and research in showing us various problems of animal testing. My position is
that the scientists and specialists must stop using animals because it projects cruelty towards
animals and a may lead to animal endanger. Moreover, I want people to know the harmful
consequences of animal testing. Furthermore, the diseases in human beings are far different
than the diseases in animals. Not all diseases in humans are similar to that of animals.
Therefore, it is unreliable to test the animals for the benefit of human beings as this leads to
the death of more and more animals
Should the government sectors and public sectors involved in animal testing must
continue with the process?
The first observations on animals were made in the 1600s
Only 19% could have been predicted by animal tests
The US drug industry invests $50 billion per year in research with no progressive results
90% of drugs which were tested on animals through animal testing failed on human
Animal testing has become more secretive, pervasive and profitable
More than 100,000 chemicals have adverse effects on both humans and animals
Thesis statement:
Scientists must stop animal testing because of animal suffering, unreliable results, and
financial impact
Animal testing is the process of using animals for research and experimentation purposes
with the aim of seeking control on variables affecting behavior or biological system which is
under study. The process is happening all over the globe and it is important in the field of
innovation and research. Most of the animal testing is conducted by private organizations that
seek to discover new medicines and approaches and it is high time for the government and public
sector to get involved in order to control this process. Animal testing is a procedure that started
way back in the 1600s and is still ongoing even in this present century. Approximately 19% of
the observations were predicted by animal testing.
The United States drug industry invests around $50 billion annually in the field of
research and there has been no progressive research. Around 90% of drugs which were tested on
animals through animal testing failed when utilized on human beings. Over the years animal
testing has become more secretive, persuasive and profitable where more than 100,000 chemicals
with adverse effects on both humans and animals have been used. As a result of this I believe
scientists must stop animal testing due to animal suffering, unreliable results and financial impact
and this paper, therefore, seeks to persuade scientists and specialists to shun away from animal
Animal testing is inhumane and destruction to the surrounding
Animal testing should be restricted since it inflicts pain and suffering in many animals
eventually leading to their death and spoiling of the environment. Dunnock (n.d), asserts that
animals experience pain as well as suffering during the research process and this is of no
advantage to humanity. Animals subjected to testing experience burning, crippling and poisoning
Animal Testing 3
as the various tests are administered on their skins and pregnant animals are not left out in this
process. The two main types of toxic elements adopted are LD 50 and Draize test that is utilized
to determine the maximum dosage of a substance that kills 50% of animals. According to
Dunnock (n.d), some of the procedures are inhumane as animals are exposed to immense pain
where blindness, scarring, and death are the outcome of the procedure. Other invasive procedures
include pumping of large proportions of test products into stomachs of test animals until their
eventual death which takes up several days.
During those days preceding death, test animals experience vomiting, diarrhea, paralysis,
convulsion and internal bleeding that are great suffering even on the least creatures. An example
of such a test is that conduct by toothpaste companies where the test products are added strong
chemicals. The dead animals that are products of testing are discarded into the environment
leading to its pollution due to the toxicity of a hazardous chemical they possess. Some companies
incinerate the dead test animals leading to gas emissions and particular matter that cause air
pollution (Pugh, 2016). Animal testing should be stopped as animals have feelings similar to
those of human beings, therefore, they should not be subjected to this experimentation that
causes pain and suffering as it is inhumane and leads to their death which contributes to
ecological damage.
Animal testing is unreliable
Animal testing should be stopped as the experiments are unreliable due to the difference
between humans and animals. Tested animals often include chimpanzees and mice whose
genetic and DNA composition are almost similar to that of human beings (Pugh, 2016).
Although there is some similarity between tested animals and humans, their anatomy and
physiology are different leading to the unreliable outcome when applied to human beings.
Animal Testing 4
Majority of the drugs tested on animals fail to receive approval for human use due to their
toxicity and lethal effect example being the over 100 stroke medications that were effective on
test animals but failed once administered to humans. As a result of this, animals are undergoing
senseless pain and humanity ends up suffering from serious consequences.
Some of the products of animal testing are unreliable and lead to harm to human beings
such as blindness. Such tests include Draize and LD50 tests which are termed to be unreliable
leading to lethal effects. The dosage administered in animals differs from that of human beings
due to the difference in physiology and body composition therefore successful animal test may
produce unreliable outcomes. Humans are so different from animals where testing involves
mimicking of disease signs and symptoms, therefore, undermining the nature of the actual
disease which leads to the production of unreliable products that a high probability of failure.
Most of the tests that seem to work in animals rarely function in human beings facilitating the
inappropriate discarding of effective drugs while promoting uptake of lethal treatments. Cruel
Free International (n.d), argues that despite the vast animal testing the process has been
unreliable as it has failed to produce effective cures for conditions such as Parkinson’s,
Alzheimer’s among others. Animal testing should, therefore, be stopped as they produce
unreliable outcomes that not only waste time, money and animals lives but also prevent the
realization of effective treatments.
Animal Testing is expensive
Animal testing has a great financial impact both on the government and humans. Some of
the experiments are conducted and analyzed over a period of several months which is costly as it
consumes a significant amount of finances. According to an article by Humane Society
International (2012), the inefficient and exorbitant cost that is attributed to animal testing creates
Animal Testing 5
a challenge for evaluators to assess the potential effects of chemicals greater than 100,000 in the
present global commerce. Cost of even measuring the impacts of myriad combinations of
chemicals that human beings and animals are exposed to during their daily activities is quite
high. Various alternatives that are cheaper than animal testing are present example being
computer modeling techniques and cell-based in vitro methods as well as automation using
robots. Some of the exorbitant costs arise from unnecessary activities such as a researcher
killing a rat daily to prove that they cannot awake.
Majority of the companies are conducting animal testing that is uncalled for leading to
incumbent costs that could have been avoided an instance being the perfume companies that
spray their contents on rabbits eyes rather than mixing them up. Chemicals and gases utilized in
the experimentation are a lot and their purchasing costs are quite high. Gandhi (2018), claims
that animal testing is being used as an opportunity by scientists and specialists to source for
funds as large proportions are allocated to research by the Governments and private
organizations. The majority share of the allocated research fund is channeled towards paying the
high salaries of scientists which offers financial incentives rather than on conducting the actual
animal testing. Institutions are the ones profiting from grants for animal testing that are allocated
by the government. Equipment and animals used in testing are costly as they involve direct
money. The processes as well involve a lot of study cost especially in terms of genetic toxicity,
skin corrosion among other types.
In conclusion, animal testing has to end since it has a negative impact on the animals as
they experience immense pain and suffering. Some of the experiments subject animals to
procedures that are extreme and unnecessary as even human beings cannot be subjected to such
Animal Testing 6
processes. Animal testing is costly while their alternatives are cheaper and efficient therefore
prompting the call against animal testing. The process of animal testing has been misinformed as
assumptions made believe that the human bodies function similarly to those of test animals,
therefore, producing unreliable results. Animal testing should be stopped as effective results in
animals have proven to be unreliable in human beings due to the difference in composition and
physiology. A lot of finances are wasted in animal testing as researches perform unnecessary
procedures raising exorbitant costs. Although animal testing has been utilized, only 5% had
approved results within twenty years. Governments should, therefore, ban animal testing as a
result of its negative impact on animals, financial cost and its unreliability through the
implementation of measures and action policies that hinder researchers from using animals for
Animal Testing 7
Cruelty-Free International. (n.d). Arguments against animal testing. Retrieved from
Dunnuck.H. (n.d). Save the Animals: Stop Animal Testing. Lone Star College. Retrieved from
Gandhi.M. (2018). Animal testing is costly and inefficient; investment in more humane science
may yield better solutions. India News. April 23. Retrieved from
Humane Society International. (2012). Costs of Animal and Non-Animal Testing. October 23.
Retrieved from
Pugh.C. (2016). Animal Testing is Animal Cruelty. One World Education. Retrieved from
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