The issues of slavery are still alive in our contemporary society today. According to Bales, modern day slavery business generates billions of money every year. His views have been an eye opener in that many people are forced to work without pay without being given a choice to quit.
A lot of destruction of the environment has been experienced in places where most slaves are held. Through his research, Bales identifies some of the cause of slavery and the effect they have to the world economy. Therefore there is a need for tough legislative measures which can be able to minimize or completely eliminate slavery activities (Bales, 2014).
Response to Amy Kostelnick Posted Apr 7, 2014 5:48 PM
Amy views slavery as an unwanted practice which should be done away with those involved being taken into account. She has been able to identify America as a major sex slave den in which millions are captured and later paid poor wages for their services. Indeed only the slave owners are able to benefit from this practice.
However, Amy should learn that the modern day slavery is more of a job wanting venture in which humans themselves are tied to the practice due to their hard economic conditions. Importantly, as she has identified is the need for slave owners to place themselves in the lives of the slaves in order to feel the brunt of the inhumane act (Bales, 2014).
Response to Jarrod Herdt on Apr 8, 2014 10:45 PM
The concept of slave trade calls for humans to identify the practice especially in the modern day world in order to avoid hurting the economy. Herdt sees this is an eye opener which should be stopped immediately. However, Herdt is quite uninformed or rather not aware of slave activities in the world.
Again he adds that his family has never had discussions on slave trade. This translates to the large number of people who are not aware of this practice yet it has thrived so much. A lot of research and media exposure is needed to ensure that people are informed so that the practice may be eliminated.
Response to Lydia Hernandez on Apr 8, 2014 10:03 PM
In the case of Hernandez, this comes as a realization of what she had been hearing her relatives’ converse about. With the realization of this inhumane practice, Hernandez decides to take action in order to make a contribution to0 end the vice. This is a positive way in which the people can be the best solution providers to the problems facing our world.
Such initiatives are thus needed for informing the public. In Addition to that, rescue centers in which slaves can run to and they are protected. The wish to get cheap labor should not be turned to the helpless slaves as this is a human exploitation of their rights. In my opinion more of these activities should be launched all over the world (Bales, 2014).
Response to Kristin Minervino on Apr 8, 2014 5:43 PM
The video has been able to capture a number of elements touching slavery and its impacts to the world economy. Kristin’s though of viewing slavery as a theoretical element which does not necessarily happen in the world is wrong and misguided. The realities of this practice have been felt in most household in the world with devastating effects.
She takes slavery easily as simply being in a place where you are not treated right in terms of pay and long working hours. Since she has not been able to hold up discussions with her friends or families, Kristin thinks that it does not matter at all since it was in the past. In my opinion there is need for a retrace to establish ways in which the trade evolved and how it can be done away with (Bales, 2014).
Response to Dante Wins on Apr 6, 2014 11:55 AM
To Wins this comes a as realization to what he had always perceived as slave trade. It is personal to her especially in the number of activities in which she has witnessed. This shows that the practice is still much alive with us in all manner and shapes. I agree with his views on such incidents experienced in many countries that still practice slavery.
Being a soldier himself, this brings a lot of friction between what is happening and what should be done to end the same. Especially in the use girls to entertain solders is an issue that should be addressed as they are forced to do it. Being able to teach his children on the evils of slave trade is a sure way of informing the coming generation on its ills (Bales, 2014).
Response to Amy Kostelnick on Apr 7, 2014 5:48 PM
I share the same sentiments with Kostelnick regarding slave trade activities. Before watching this movie, I had different opinions and beliefs regarding the subject but now they have indeed changed. For the same I applaud organizations which are in the fore front of fighting slavery in the world. Also it is evident that slavery is not needed in order for the world economy to improve. Other ways should be established to generate capital apart from slavery.
Response to Gwendolyn Smith-Evans on Apr 8, 2014 11:46 AM
Just as Gwendolyn has responded, this video has been able to capture the issue of slavery well enough in terms of information and emotional aspects. The subjection of humans to working in harsh conditions and poor wages is hurtful. I agree it is important therefore for slaves to be taught to how to provide for them thus a positive impact to the economy. This movie has become an eye opener to Gwendolyn since after watching the movie, the family starts discussing slave trade issues (Bales, 2014).
Responses to Daniel Taylor on Apr 9, 2014 2:15 PM
In terms of the video changing my views regarding slave trade, I agree with Daniel on the need to impose harsh punishment for those involved in the brutal acts. It is quite unfortunate that the modern day society has to deal with such issues which we had come to believe were long gone. However, I would encourage Daniel and others who do not discuss the slave trade subject to take this video as a challenge. This is important since the fight to end this trade requires collective effort of all the players in the world.
Bales K. Free Slaves.2014. Retrieved on 12th April 12, 2014 from file:///C:/DOCUME~1/Admin/LOCALS~1/Temp/
With response form: Amy Kostelnick posted Apr 7, 2014 5:48 PM
Jarrod Herdt on Apr 8, 2014 10:45 PM
Lydia Hernandez on Apr 8, 2014 10:03 PM
Kristin Minervino on Apr 8, 2014 5:43 PM
Dante Wins on Apr 6, 2014 11:55 AM
Amy Kostelnick on Apr 7, 2014 5:48 PM
Gwendolyn Smith-Evans on Apr 8, 2014 11:46 AM
Daniel Taylor on Apr 9, 2014 2:15 PM