Critical communication theory
This is theory which is crucial and can be used to create balance between corporate life and the common human life. This theory views business organizations as a combination of political and economical ideas in creating financial, logistical and technical solutions. The process of decision making in any organization should also be able to embrace this theory for appropriate decisions.
Communication reforms can be used to improve productivity and democracy in an organization. Democracy in running organization affairs means that all stake holders in the organization should contribute in any decision making of the organization (Seeger, Sellnow & Ulmer, 2003). Stakeholders in an organization include but not restricted to; investors, suppliers, consumers, host community and workers.
Language is the key to the development of self-consciousness and healthy relationship with other people in the environment. This theory will help in explaining the importance of effective communication within an organization (Becker, McCall, Society for the Study of Symbolic Interaction, & Stone Symposium, 2004). It will also help in avoiding conditional challenges that may develop within the organization.
In an organization, there are two types of communications, which are crucial in organizational development. These two forms of communication include formal and non-formal communication. Some organizational concepts that determine the effectiveness of communication theory used include self-structuring within the organization, members’ negotiation capacity, institutional positioning, and program coordination (Seeger, Sellnow & Ulmer, 2003).
Symbolic interpersonal theory can be used to explain work-interpersonal relationship to show positive development associated with various concepts in positive development of the organization amidst structural challenges and crisis (Seeger, Sellnow & Ulmer, 2003).
This paper is going to focus on the challenges faced by an organization without clear communication strategies with various stakeholders in the organization. In addition, the paper will also review the importance of having a clear organization structure. This case study will involve an American Airline called Envoy Airline.
Envoy Airline has been operational for the last twenty years. During this period, the organization has undergone a lot of transformations. It started with a few people working for the company, some in administration matters and the others in fleet operation matters. Over the twenty years period, the organization has faced a lot of transformations. There are more than fifty employees working in this organization. The organization is currently divided into five operational departments, administration, transport and logistics, sales and marketing, fleet team and technical support.
The success of such a complicated structure depends on effective communication within the organization. The mission of the organization is to be the best solution provider in all fleet and flight issues within the region. The company strategies in spearheading company mission through effective coordination of various teams working in the organization. The company encourages communication within the employees and the management though there has been progressive transformation over time in the direction and nature of communication within the organization.
Originally, there was more downward communication as compared to upward and horizontal communication within the organization. The organization had originated as a trading company. Thus, the top members in the organization had a stronger business base than fleet operation skills. The organization structure was not clearly defined with almost all the members in the organization reporting to the director. This structural setup complicated the organization’s operations delaying the overall operations and affecting the general performance of the company.
After external and internal consultation, the organization came up with a new organization structure.
Several protocol posts were created in the new structure. There was only one person, overall manager, directly answerable to the director. There was the post of the operations manager who reports to the general manager. Then there are six departmental heads with their assistants working in each department. The departments were further divided into several sections with each section allocated to one person in the department as a supervisor.
“The organization is facing low customer turn up, customer retaining ability is also dropping fast,” that was a statement the director said in a general meeting. In fact it was also noted that the monthly sales since the year 2002 were slowly dropping. Thus, the organization was facing a danger of losing business to the new competitors in the market. The approach that the organization was giving to the then business plan was almost similar to the plan established when the organization started.
Critical communication theory is the basis for understanding of human actions in relation to political and business issues around. There are three principles, which affect the aspect of critical communication theory (Seeger, Sellnow & Ulmer, 2003). Firstly, human beings are likely to act towards people, thing, and activities with respect to the value they attach to them. Secondly, the meaning of an individual, actions, or a thing will depend on individual social interaction (Seeger, Sellnow, & Ulmer, 2003). Thirdly, individual line of action will define the nature and direction of social actions, which tends to match people of similar character together.
The perspective of viewing things within the human environment is also indicated in phonological ideology. This theory supports the meaning of subjectively defined actions, objects, and beings. The value given to an object, human or activity does not form a fixed entity. However, human have the capacity to alter the meaning of an action, person or object depending on their creativity. Thus, human have the capability of defining various meanings that define the society. Therefore, it is possible to conclude that the human society, organization, and common coexistence are a social product (Seeger, Sellnow & Ulmer, 2003).
Role theory
This theory assumes that each individual has the subconscious mind, which guides him to conform to socially set standards and norms, which define the role of each individual. All the other members in the organization tend to watch each others’ performance to determine the level and standard performance (Brown & Lohr, 2007). In addition, common social setups apply some form of punishment for non-compliance to the expected standards and norms.
Concept explanation
Members’ negotiation capacity
A common example describing members’ negotiation capacity is the government. The government has various levels of representation for all the members within the nation. Each elected or appointed representative of the citizens has a social expectation to fulfill for the community. This theory gives stakeholders the power to air their views on matters relating to the operations of the organization (Seeger, Sellnow & Ulmer, 2003). The community has a role of watching their leaders’ actions to ensure that they conform to the responsibilities given to them.
In this example, critical communication theory explains the effectiveness and the positive benefits in negotiation capacity (Brown & Lohr, 2007). The people in the community attach some value to the role of their leaders in the nation. The level of expectation varies as the power of an individual ascends in rank. Therefore, the leaders also view themselves as social objects; they carry the responsibility of fulfilling the peoples’ expectations. Thus, the peoples’ negotiation capability is based on this point of view. People are able to enhance their negotiation when their leaders attach a value of responsibility to their actions and roles to the community (Brown & Lohr, 2007).
Program coordination
Coordinating a program may be a difficult activity when stakeholders fail to take up their responsibilities as expected. In fact, the situation may even get worse when there is no proper chain of command within the team (Seeger, Sellnow & Ulmer, 2003). Thus, it is crucial to have role assigned to various team members. The team should also have a core value for their actions and responsibility to other members. These values within the team help members to work together as a team while respecting each other and the roles assigned to each of them. An example in this case is in the communal development projects like communal agricultural activities, community policing (Orlikowski & Robey, 2011).
Structural organization
Critical communication also plays a crucial role in designing structures in social and business setup. Critical communication theory explains that the value attached to the role of an individual in the social setup is created by people. The same theory also explains the possibility of alterations in value for the role provided by this theory (Orlikowski & Robey, 2011).
An example in this case is a business organization. A business organization should have a clearly defined protocol of passing information. This explains the need of having a definite organization structure. This will help in smooth flow and development of activities in the organization. In addition, proper organization structures will help organizations in developing mutual respect and personal responsibility for the employees in the organization (Seeger, Sellnow & Ulmer, 2003).
Structural organization
The previous structural organization at Envoy Airline presented a situation where there was no specific flow of information within the organization. All people were directly answerable to the director. The director had too much responses and activities which he could hardly handle effectively (Reverte, Gallego, Satorre, & Llorens, 2008).
Secondly, due to lack of defined responsibility within the organization, there was lack of mutual respect and responsibility within the employees. This explains the reason customers failed to return for services after their first service. At some instances, customer expressed dissatisfaction with the services they received from the organization (Seeger, Sellnow & Ulmer, 2003).
After structural reorganization within the organization, there was a new general and operations manager. They were skilled and a supportive team player. They encouraged teamwork and cooperation. They always said each morning, “this is the best team to work with; however, we need to communicate effectively.”
Through this plan, various stakeholders were able to express their concern and the team was able to address the issue. The high level of customer dissatisfaction taking place in the organization was eliminated. Most importantly, this strategy using symbolism interaction helped to promote mutual respect and harmony among the team members. As a result, the overall performance of the organization improved noticeably.
Program coordination
The process of doing work within the organization was reviewed. Each section of work was allocated to an individual who was comfortable handling that section. Each person had powers to request for help in undertaking his responsibilities (Reverte, Gallego, Satorre, & Llorens, 2008). Each person was charged with direct responsibility over his area of duty. Each person felt answerable to the team and the company in general for his area of operation. Thus, Critical communication helped organization members to take responsibility over their respective duties. Thus, there was a noticeable change in the speed and quality of work done (Reverte, Gallego, Satorre, & Llorens, 2008).
Previously, the company had poor program coordination. Many duties could lag behind schedules, as no one was directly responsible over them. In addition, none of the team members could offer instructions to the other. This further delayed delivery of services while also deteriorating their quality, which was a loss to the company (Society for the Study of Symbolic Interaction (Seeger, Sellnow & Ulmer, 2003).
A large organization like Envoy airline having various activities taking place should be divided in several sections depending on the activities taking place. People feel comfortable and satisfied when they are charged with a responsibility in areas where they are familiar. This also enhances the process of brain storming which is a crucial aspect for company communication. Each of the sections should have an orderly protocol of authority (Society for the Study of Symbolic Interaction (Minneapolis, Minn, 2000). People in each department should be able to hold proper discussions with each other to promote their unity through communication.
Every communication within the organization should follow the right protocol of authority. This will help people to hold to their rightful position in the company and avoid complications with their colleagues. In addition, employees should also be able to take instructions from those authorized by the management to offer instructions.
People should respect the symbol of authority supervisors represent on behalf of the management in the organization company (Seeger, Sellnow & Ulmer, 2003). Employees should also be able to consult with colleagues in area where they are not familiar. Stakeholders should also be willing to assist each other in areas where they have challenges. Employees should also act with responsibility in their area of operation. This will create the right symbol of value for responsibility, which improves the effectiveness of work (Society for the Study of Symbolic Interaction, 2007).
The purpose for this paper was to establish the importance of Critical communication in an organization setup. From the case study, it was easy to establish that Critical communication has a crucial role to play in the operation and development of an organization (Society for the Study of Symbolic Interaction, 2007). The benefits rising from the use of Critical communication theory effectively are highly noticeable in the performance of an organization.
The theory also helps in improving the relationship among employees in the organization. The management will also have ample time handling administrative issues of the company. On the other hand, effective use of this strategy will enhance the negotiation ability of various teams within the organization (Seeger, Sellnow & Ulmer, 2003). Critical communication is a crucial communication strategy for an organization having communication barriers or challenges.
Becker, H. S., McCall, M. M., Society for the Study of Symbolic Interaction, & Stone Symposium (2004). Symbolic interaction and cultural studies. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
Brown, B. B., & Lohr, M. J. (2007). Peer-group affiliation and adolescent self-esteem: An integration of ego-identity and symbolic-interaction theories. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 4(21), 16-24. doi:10.1037//0022-3514.52.1.47
Orlikowski, W. J., & Robey, D. (2011). Information Technology and the Structuring of Organizations. Information Systems Research, 12(6), 11-20. doi:10.1287/isre.2.2.143
Reverte, J., Gallego, F., Satorre, R., & Llorens, F. (2008). Cooperation Strategies for Pursuit Games: From a Greedy to an Evolutive Approach. doi:10.1007/978-3-540-88636-5_76
Society for the Study of Symbolic Interaction (Minneapolis, Minn.) (2000). Symbolic interaction. S.l.: Elsevier Science.
Society for the Study of Symbolic Interaction (2007). Symbolic interaction. Berkeley, Calif.: For the Society by the University of California Press Journals Division.
Seeger, M., Sellnow, T. & Ulmer, R. (2003). Communication and organizational crisis. Westport, Conn: Praeger.