- Introduction
The pyramid of Ancient Egypt are not only a unique architectural masterpiece but also state of the art building in a breathtaking way. This exceptional building has been a source of conflict between the historians and the Egyptology over the years with different views being drawn as to who build the pyramid and for what reasons was it built for.
Some of the diverse explanations that have cropped up as a result are that it was designed to be the king’s tomb. Others have stated that it might have served the purposes of a chemical factory, or perhaps a gateway in which people could communicate with their supernatural being while others argued that it was for the purposes of packing an interplanetary aircraft. All in all the great pyramid of Giza is a distinctive building that deserves all respect.
The construction of this building could be traced back into the 2560 BCE as hypothesized by historians in the Fourth Dynasty. The Great Pyramid of Giza has been highly suggested by Egyptians civilization as a unique aid which would be used for the king in the life that is coming after death. Therefore, it is not coincidental that most Egyptians have continued to believe in their traditional beliefs after such a long time. Such acts depicted by the people could be described as nationalistic elements that connects the Egyptians to the Great Pyramid of Giza.(History, 2014).
The great pyramid of Giza is also known as the Khufu’s pyramid which is the biggest of all the pyramids. Archeologists have approximated this pyramid to be about 3,800 years old. Within the pyramids of Giza, is a monument built called the sphinx which measures about 481 feet. The sphinx has existed as a mythical being among ancient societies such as Egypt, Greek and parts of South Asia used in their religious as well as architectural constrains.
Unlike previous speculations, the pyramids were not built by slaves or even prisoners a notion widely disputed by historians.According to History (2014) the construction of the building cost the people a lot of time since they had to set the blocks in the precise measurements and therefore taking up to 30 years to achieve so. Thus the construction of this building was quite phenomenal and relevant to the Egyptians set of traditional and religious beliefs. For instance, the Egyptians believe that through stocking the pyramids with gold and other valuables that they supposed they would use in the afterlife.
The Museum of Unnatural Mystery (2014) indicates that the vast size of the Pyramid of Giza sets so many questions as to the original intended purposes of the pyramid constructors. For instance this pyramid has been stated to be over thirty times greater than the Empires State Building in comparison. Most people cannot imagine how a vast building of this magnitude was able to be built without the use of modern day technology in construction and architecture. Critics have come up with a controversial theory which claims that perhaps the construction of this building was used by the extraterrestrial beings to provide guidance to UFO in the dark space.
For over 3,800 the pyramid was able to maintain and hold the prestigious tallest man-made structure in the world. The pyramid which is made in four different base that have been professionally built since it had an average length error of about 58 millimeters. The Ancient Egyptians could were also not familiar with mathematical concepts such as pi and as a result this element lacked in the construction of the pyramid. Others went ahead and argued that the Egyptians were only concerned with the slope properties of the slope without considering other architectural elements of the building such as size and proportion of the pyramid (The Museum of Unnatural Mystery, 2014).
Following the popularity of this ancient building, the Great Pyramids of Giza were named as the Seven Wonders of the World. The fact this pyramid was constructed very many years ago does not end its uniqueness but rather continue to draw worldwide attention in its perfection and mystery. Thus this pyramid could be stated to be formed as a result of experiments which occurred to be more prosperous than others. In addition to that the pyramid represents a pinnacle of the advancements made on the establishment of a royal mortuary complex.
The Egyptians have been able to preserve their traditions over the years in terms of their religious as well as architectural constructions. In this regard then, the Great Pyramids of Giza are an indication that they valued their traditions and practices. Whatever the objective and functionality of the Great Pyramid was, this building has remained a marvelous working of architecture that has stood the test of time. Without the use of modern technology, the Egyptians were able to come up with this building that has been stated to be the Seventh Wonder of the World.
Works Cited
History. (2014). Egyptian Pyramids. Retrieved on 11th November 2014 from
The Museum of Unnatural Mystery. (2014) Khufu’s Great Pyramid. Retrieved on 11th November 2014 from