Globalization Impact in Education in UAE
How globalized is the UAE society?
– I chose :Globalization impact in
education in UAE ( this is my topic)
-Each student will chose one of these
dimensions and will write an original
short paper on that issue (10 pages)
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qualitative data
In the modern world, different nations have come together thus interdepending on each
other in different activities including production, market formation, governance, and education.
Globalization can be termed as a process whereby individuals, companies and governments
interact in a worldwide perception. Since globalization involves universal development aspects,
it is a complex concept that integrates local and national economies hence influencing
togetherness of nations and it is considered as a form of capitalist expansion. The results
translates the local and national economies into a global and unregulated market. In the wider
slant of globalization, this paper will analyze the major concepts of globalization and the impacts
of globalization in the UAE education.
Section A: Globalization aspects in the UAE society
According to presentation 1 by Natasons (2020), the term globalization was well
understood in 1980s among business journalists and management scholars. Globalization and
culture are two concepts that greatly interrelate with each other. We see culture affecting the rate
at which globalization rate occur. On the other hand, it is clear how globalization affects the
culture within distinct societies. Culture is what actually describes how ethnic group of people
live and relate with each other. In this case, they can share ideas, habits, morals, beliefs,
traditions and customs which form the foundation of their living style. The human behaviors
largely determine the philosophy and the rigidity of the individuals bounded by it. Globalization
tries to capture the picture of how different nations interdepend on each another. The nation
which has adopted the globalization has more access on modern technology, information, and the
flow of investment is regarded to be high. According to Tomlinson (11), globalization makes the
world a ‘single space’.
The main aspects that enhances the rate of globalization development as indicated by
Martin and Nakayama (2015), are transportation and communication technology. Increased
global interactions results to growth of ideas and international trade. In broader picture,
globalization can be referred to as economic process incorporating the factors of interaction and
integration associating not only cultural but also social aspects. Besides, diplomacy has also
played a significant role in globalization in UAE region. UAE has participated in international
relations hence involving in developmental treaties with other nations for the betterment of its
citizens. Moreover, it is vivid that UAE are referred to be the pioneer country in matters of soft
power in diplomacy. Public diplomacy denotes the processes of communication relating the
government and international audience. The objective of public diplomacy in the Emirati region
is to explain both national and international anticipations and cultural mindset to the international
society. In the modern age, UAE responsively employs the use of digital tools and the internet to
advance from public diplomacy (Natasons, 2020).
Economically, globalization encompasses the notions of data, economic source of capital,
technology, goods and services. A stable economy is characterized by its ability to produce and
participate in exports more than imports in the international market (Nica et al., 2016). Global
markets activate the international operations of exchange of goods and funds. Eradication of
cross border barriers in UAE has significantly enhanced international trade thus forming global
market pushing the emirate region to full employment level. Since the discovery of oil in 1960s,
the region has fully participated in the exportation of oil giving the nation a chance to import
goods that are not produced locally in the region. The UAE exchanges crude oil for machineries,
food, vehicle, transportation equipment. Japan, for instance, imports a third of UAE oil export
and in return, it exports automotive to the emirate region. The exportation is facilitated by the
modern ports and infrastructure which allows the region to open up for globalization since they
serve as transportation hubs. The stability of the UAE economy has also resulted to importation
of labor from other countries to facilitate the movement of people which is an aspect of
globalization. After Saudi Arabia, UAE economy is the second largest with gross domestic
product (GDP) of USD 414 billion. It holds position 30 in terms of GDP rank across the globe
because of its efficient in globalization.
Additionally, globalization has largely influenced the service and tourism industry which
are the tertiary sectors of the economy contributing to 49% of the region’s GDP. Since the region
has regarded oil as product which will not last forever, it has established the phenomenon and
futuristic buildings to boost the productivity which is a performing sector of the economy.
Moreover, the region has attracted tourists around the globe to see the buildings including the
Burj Khalifa hotel and the luxurious shopping services in the region. The region also has a tourist
attraction structure known as Dubai frame which represents the transition of the old era to a new
era. The landmark is positioned in a strategic way that the old Dubai can be seen and the new
city can be viewed from an angle. Tourism in the region is a government strategic plan to retain
the flow of foreign exchange into the emirates. In 1982, the total number of tourists that visited
Dubai are 0.3 million where in 2019, the number was 16.7 million. The range shows how UAE is
globalized to accommodate distinct cultures from other nations (Dwyer, 2015).
Natasons (2020) indicated that, since the beginning of 20 th century, sociology has been
the science of the society. Sociology on the other hand has facilitated the rate of globalization in
the UAE region. The sociology of globalization serves as a subfield in the field of sociology
focusing on the understanding the groups, relations, ideologies, trends, institutions, and patterns
that are particular to the globalized world. According to sociologists, globalization is an ongoing
process bracketing all the aspects of cultural, economic, social, and political spheres in the UAE
society. The process involves constant integration of the above aspects between nations,
communities, and regions. The economic aspect according to sociologists involves capitalism
thus including different nations into one globally integrated economic model. Culturally, there is
a global spread and amalgamation of ideas, values, behaviors and norms to structure a way of
life. Political aspects of sociology globalization are the forms of governance operating the
worldwide scale. The cooperative nations are expected to abide by the rules and policies set by
the governance form in the gulf region. The core aspects of globalization based on sociology
theory, are propelled by technological development, universal application of media, and
communication technologies.
According to the International Monetary Fund (IMF), there are four basic aspects that can
be used to analyze the level of globalization which is also applicable in the UAE society. The
four basic aspects include capital and investments movement, trade and transaction, migration
and movement of people and the fourth aspect is dissemination of knowledge. Trade and
transaction has converted the UAE culture from being a low income nation to high income
nation. Trade involves the exchange of money where goods and services are transferred from one
person to another or from one entity to another. In economic terms, trade is referred to as a
model or network that facilitates transactions whereby the transaction in the region evolved from
barter trade to invention of money. In the modern age, the effect of globalization has introduced
the use nonphysical money to perform fast and safe transactions in the financial institutions.
Trade between two parties is referred to as bilateral trade whereas trade between more than two
parties is referred to as multilateral trade. Emirate region has also enhanced the level of
globalization by applying the concepts of comparative advantage by producing oil which is a
scarce resource in other nations. The results of the activity is division of labor and specialization
which are critical aspects in the production process. Additionally, globalization has opened UAE
region to online trade where transaction are performed without the necessity of travelling to the
market place.
The IMF aspect of capital and investment movement has been well employed in the
region to accommodate globalization. Stiglitz (2017) suggested that, capital, in economic terms
are the assets with the capability of enhancing country’s power to involve in economically useful
activities. Fortunately, UAE has plenty of renewable sources of capital which ensures the smooth
flow of production with increasing percentage change of GDP. In the economic models, capital
is a critical factor of production and is an input in the production function. The capital stock in
the Emirati region totaling all the physical stock initiates investment movement thus creating
investment incentives. Henceforth, globalization concept has facilitated migration of individuals
and some have settled to live and trade in the UAE where most have set up their businesses in
the free zone. Basically, there are four types of migration including invasion, conquest,
colonization, and immigration. Dissemination of knowledge as the fourth aspect involves the
interactive process of communication. The communication transfers knowledge to target
audiences to spark a change to the audience. Globalized digital communication channels in UAE
have certainly facilitated dissemination of knowledge thus making the information
comprehensive to those who receive it.
SECTION B: Impacts of Globalization in Education in UAE
Based on the above aspects acknowledging how UAE globalized is, this section will
evaluate the impacts of globalization in the education system in the UAE region. It is certain that
globalization has profoundly transformed the universe in every aspect especially the world
economy which has become significantly interdependent. The notion of globalization has also
facilitated the world economy to become progressively competitive and sealed with knowledge.
Globalization impacts education in the UAE by interconnecting different methods of teaching
from the universal system thus encouraging the universal advancement towards environmental
sustainability. The teaching methods also provides a foundation of fortified global industries to
produce world class products. The educational schemes spotlight global access to school from
low grade levels to university levels. The access instigates learning experiences that often groom
student to handle multinational leadership responsibilities (Kerkhoff, 2017).
Since education serves as the corner stone of the global stability, the advancement of
multicultural awareness from an early age is capable of integrating ideologies mined from
distinct societies across the globe aiming to achieve a well-balanced conclusions affecting the
UAE region (Kuehl and Hungerford, 2017). Globalized education facilitates preparation of
young Emirati students for successful futures whereby the region and other nations will grow
increasingly connected. With globalization, education is capable of providing enough knowledge
to the young Emiratis to be able to familiarize themselves with abstract concepts and uncertain
Education in the region has also enhanced the global economy which requires a holistic
conceptualization of system thinking. The system include business ecosystem in the world model
which needs a wider approach to comprehend the critical operations in it. The interdisciplinary
research tactics are regarded fundamental to achieving a more comprehensive conceptualization
in the complicated reality affecting the world system. In addition, education has enabled the
students to manipulate critical symbols. In a competitive modern economy, it is much needed for
the individuals to translate society symbols including political stability and its role, legal and
globalized business concepts, and digital money.
Globalization has also impacted the UAE education where the students are able to
acquire and apply the knowledge in different environments where the need arises. Lind and
Ramondo (2018), depicted that globalization has facilitated the ability of the UAE citizens to
access, assess, accommodate, and apply the knowledge making them to think independently. The
independent thinking enables them to exercise suitable judgement and also to collaborate with
citizens from other nations to generate more sensible decisions based on new situations. It has
been noted that globalization has increased production of scientifically and technically trained
individuals to provide the UAE economy with both skilled and unskilled labor. For the nation to
remain competitive in the modern economy, it must be full of knowledge to flexibly perform and
outpace other nations in the production. The above is critical since knowledge is a key factor of
production and the modern oil and service industries demand the employees to be highly trained
in not only technically but also scientifically and technologically fields of production.
Besides, globalization has impacted UAE education since it encourages the students to
work together which will be translated in their future where they will be needed to work in teams
in the need for modest employees. Lacerenza et al. (2018) capitalized the importance of team
work suggesting that, working in teams needs the students to foster skills in group dynamics,
compromise, persuasion, debate, organization together with leadership and management skills
which are essential aptitudes that cannot be overlooked. To remain viable, UAE region advocates
for employees who can work in teams to meet both the objectives and goals of the organizations.
It is factual that globalization disrupts the boundaries of space and time using advanced
information and communications technologies. The idea is also boosted by a new system of
knowledge, hence education and learning ought to employ a wide range of synchronous and
asynchronous events in eradicating boundaries of space and time.
Globalization assists in meeting the knowledge, learning, and education challenges and
opportunities of the modern age. The reason why knowledge based business complain about
incompetence among the students is the lack of exposure to globalization. Therefore, the students
lack the capacity to learn in the new environment and assimilate the new knowledge. Henceforth,
it can be said that globalization has greatly influenced the performance of the businesses based
on this argument in the UAE region. Globalization also encourages sharing of skills, knowledge
and intellectual assets that are important to diverse developments at different stages (Kassymova
et al., 2018).
Education resulted from globalization develops and supports information technologists,
practitioners, and policy makers in the UAE economy. The expertise sustain the operations of
support mechanism for the interchange of experiences and ideas in the use of educational
technologies. The education system also advocates for explorations, experimentation to
encourage the leaners with the potential related to information technologies and communications
for more effective learning. Alongside with the above information, education provides mutual
support, supplement and benefit needed to generate synergy for UAE development.
Globalization helps in creating value and facilitating efficiency that is achieved through
global sharing and mutual support needed to satisfying the needs of UAE citizens and also
ensuring their growth (Werhane, 2019). Consumer behavior is directed towards the value of
commodity thus explaining the reason why the demand for valuable items keep on increasing.
The heightened education system also ensures international understanding, harmony,
collaboration, and acceptance needed to appreciate cultural diversity across the UAE region and
across the world. The diversity transfers knowledge to the local education system thus making
the operations of the UAE smooth, skilled and transparent a case that is only achieved because of
the impact of globalization in education.
The next impact of globalization in education is enhanced communications, interactions,
and also encouraging multicultural contributions in the region. Since globalization is a process of
nations and individuals coming together, communication is vital to facilitate strategized
interactions aimed to ensure national growth. The Emirati nations must sign trade treaties
amongst themselves and with other nations based on globalized education system. In relation
with this, globalization in Emirati states is due to the filled technological gaps that joins the old
part of the nation and the new part of the nations. The resulted education system accommodates
both the developed and undeveloped parts of the region.
Globalization also has some negative impacts in education since it provides an
opportunity for unsafe transaction which is a threat to the UAE region. The result can establish a
new form of colonization to the region. Other nations would like to participate in the oil
processing by setting up mining industries in the region and form globalized corporations which
will end up owning the UAE companies through shareholding. The oil business attracts many
traders to the region thus serving as unsafe route of hosting foreign races that introduce their
practices to the region. Therefore, other nations that are against the UAE get better approach on
planning their attacks to the economy of the region.
Moreover, globalization has established two types of societies in the region one
characterized by the technological advances and the other one characterized by traditional
economic activities (Lacerenza et al. 2018). The technological gap establishes the difference
between the two communities whereas the nation should be governed by the same operations.
The operations tend to be more concerned with the modern cities to maintain the public image of
the region to other nations.
Globalization is a complex aspect defining the interconnection of many nations,
individual and institutions where they come together with an absolute aim of boosting their
economic growth. Globalization influences different aspects in the UAE society including
transport, communication, production, political stability, international trade, tourism, sociology,
governance and culture. All these aspects have either a positive or negative impact in the
education system in the region. Globalization has facilitated acquisition of new knowledge from
distinct societies which is applied in the UAE economic environment to solve complex
challenges thus boosting the productivity. Students are exposed to universal environment thus
becoming competitive in the economic world by learning and applying the knowledge to the new
models of economy. Nevertheless, globalization has negatively impacted the UAE society by
exposing it to international threat a situation that calls for immediate intervention to regulate
domestic activities by foreign companies.
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