Reasons why women have induced abortions

Reasons why women have induced abortions

Argumentative essay about Abortion in 1300 words.
the topic it should be discussed:
Abortion should be legal because sometimes pregnancy is the result of
rape, handicapped child, socioeconomic concerns including financial
burden of raising a child, and relationship problems.
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Over the past years, abortion has been the most talked-about activity since it occurs in
almost every society across the world. Information, N. C. for B., Pike, U. S. N. L. of M. 8600 R.,
MD, B., & Usa, 20894. (2012) defines abortion as the intentional ending of a human being
pregnancy which is mostly carried out within a period not exceeding twenty eight weeks from
conception. With the detrimental nature of abortion and its worldwide occurrence, there is still
insufficient verifiable scientific experimentation on why women worldwide practice abortion.
The process of obtaining reliable information on abortion has been made difficult due to the
moral, ethical and legal factors that revolve around abortion. Besides unwanted pregnancies
being the core reason why many women worldwide practice abortion, other reasons contribute to
them not wanting to keep the pregnancy. This essay gives a comprehensive analysis of why
abortion should be made legal considering some of the below explained circumstances
(Information, N. C. for B., Pike, U. S. N. L. of M. 8600 R., MD, B., & Usa, 20894. 2012).
When the life of the pregnant woman is at stake
According to reasons why women have induced abortions: Evidence from 27 countries.
(2005), there are two conditions when the life of the pregnant woman is said to be threatened.
The two conditions include social conditions and medical conditions. Socially, unwanted
pregnancies may be as a result of incest or even pregnancies out of wedlock. In these
phenomenons, society judges the victims of the pregnancies harshly and even goes to the extent
of administering physical beatings, which may sometimes lead to the pregnant woman's death.
Therefore, legal and administrative entities should recognize the existence of these cultural

believes within the society and allow for abortion to protect the life of the woman (Reasons why
women have induced abortions: Evidence from 27 countries. 2005).
From the medical point of view, the woman's life might be at stake when the pregnant
woman develops medical complications during pregnancy or even during the process of giving
birth. The law enforced in any country's government should include these conditions and allow
for abortion to be carried out under these conditions to save the mother's life. However, poor
access to information such as what the constitution stipulates about abortion has led to many
dangerous and unsafe abortions. Poor access to information has also led to a chilling effect as
women become more afraid of the consequences of undertaking abortions in case they are found.
Such information should be made accessible for everyone to understand so that affected women
can feel free to seek qualified practitioners' medical attention. This process will significantly
minimize unsafe abortions (Reasons why women have induced abortions: Evidence from 27
countries. 2005).
When the pregnancy is as a result of incest or even rape
According to Reasons why women have induced abortions: Evidence from 27 countries.
(2005), women who are victims of cruel and inhuman deeds such as rape and have developed
pregnancies due to such acts be allowed to access abortion services without any form of
victimization. Unfortunately, only fifty percent of the countries worldwide have articulated this
policy in their constitution, exposing thousands of women in the remaining fifty percent of the
countries to the dangers of unsafe abortion services. Most countries that enforce this policy of
abortion have many requirements for the woman to be granted legal abortion services. Some of
the requirements these countries present are forensic evidence and the police investigation to

determine the complaints' legitimacy in both rape and incest cases. Some of these evidence
collection processes take too long to be completed, prompting the victims to avoid seeking police
intervention and help. To avoid stigmatization by the regulatory agencies, some of the victims
opt to seek illegal and unqualified practitioners who end up providing unsafe abortion services
(Reasons why women have induced abortions: Evidence from 27 countries. 2005).
Many countries need to review their policies and constitutions regarding abortion and
allow for safe abortion services based on the complaints presented to the police by the victims.
Requirements of forensic and police investigations should not be used to permit victims to
undergo a legal abortion. Additionally, forensic and police investigations need to be improved in
many countries to be effective and on time (Weitz, 2010).
Socioeconomic concerns
Some countries have stated a few circumstances under which safe abortions can be
granted to the victims for social and economic concerns. Most countries' main circumstances
include pregnancy outside wedlock, handicapped and disabled victims, and failed contraception
methods. These reasons have proven not to be sufficient as there are many other reasons why
women get unwanted pregnancies. Additionally, besides these concerns being stated clearly in
the constitutions, they are not fully implemented. Therefore, most affected women opt to seek
unprofessional and unqualified abortion services due to the state of not being able to cater to an
additional child's requirements. These cases are common in families which are struggling to
provide basic commodities to the already existing family members (Weitz, 2010).
More than twenty percent of affected women continue to pursue abortion due to their
inability to afford and take care of the forthcoming child. Therefore poverty levels have been the

contributing factor for most abortions in both developed and developing countries. Therefore,
governments with high levels of poverty should come up with constitutional reviews that allow
affected women experiencing socioeconomic struggles to abort. The governments of these
countries should also work towards improving their citizens' lifestyles to avoid the occurrence of
unsafe abortions (Chemlal & Russo 2019).
Relationship problems
In previous studies, women have been caught in situations where their partners refuse to
support them throughout the pregnancy period. In such scenarios where women are left to take
care of the pregnancies on their own, stress and depression becomes trigger to aborting the
unborn child. Study in four countries (Nigeria, Honduras, Mexico and Chile) has shown that
twenty-five to forty-two percent of women abort their unborn children due to relationship-related
problems. Nineteen and sixteen percent of affected women in Australia and Dutch experience
relationship uncertainties with their partners during pregnancy, which has contributed to them
looking for alternative low quality methods of terminating their pregnancies. Women
experiencing these types of problems with their partners should be allowed to voluntary and
legally access experienced qualified medical services. If implemented effectively through
regulatory reviews, this will reduce cases of rampant unsafe abortions in most countries
(Chemlal & Russo 2019).
Handicapped child
Development of an impaired fetus during pregnancy is a common phenomenon in most
pregnancies and it may be as a result of genetic causes among many other causes. Countries with
more limiting laws on abortion allow execution of abortion in cases where the fetus is diagnosed

and determined to be impaired with special abnormalities. Some countries tend to give
specifications of the type of fetal abnormalities while other countries provide only one type of
fetal impairment that should be considered before permission of abortion being granted to the
affected woman. Prenatal diagnosis and tests services should be made accessible to pregnant
women for them to be able to know the conditions of the unborn fetus. This knowledge is
important to pregnant women since they should have a legal right to decide whether to terminate
the pregnancy or not in cases where there is evidence of fetal impairments (Bongfen & Abanem,


With proper consideration of the above discussed factors, abortion should be made legal
in most countries which have not legalized the practice. In the first point, the mother's life should
be considered more important and to save it, termination of the pregnancy has to be effected on
time. Women should also be given effective legal permissions to terminate the pregnancy when
incidences of incest or rape have caused it without the presence of barriers such long forensic
and police investigations. In cases where the parents of the unborn children are not in a position
to financially cater to the needs of the baby due to poverty, abortion should be considered to
avoid unsafe abortions. Lack of support from husbands has proved to be one of the main reasons
why women go for abortions. In my opinion, proper guidelines should be developed on the way
termination of the pregnancy should be done when there are signs of the victims stress and
depression due to lack of support from their partners. Last but not least, women have the right to
know the status of the fetus growing in their womb so that they can decide on whether to get rid
of them in cases of fetal impairment (Bongfen & Abanem, 2019).


Bongfen, M. C., & Abanem, E. E. B. (2019). Abortion practices among women in Buea: a socio-legal
investigation. The Pan African Medical Journal, 32. Extracted from:
Chemlal, S., & Russo, G. (2019). Why do they take the risk? A systematic review of the qualitative
literature on informal sector abortions in settings where abortion is legal. BMC women's health,
19(1), 1-11. Extracted from:
Information, N. C. for B., Pike, U. S. N. L. of M. 8600 R., MD, B., & Usa, 20894. (2012). Legal and
policy considerations. World Health Organization.
Reasons why women have induced abortions: Evidence from 27 countries. (2005, July 13). Guttmacher
Weitz, T. A. (2010). Rethinking the mantra that abortion should be “safe, legal, and rare.” Journal of
Women’s History, 22(3), 161–172.


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